30A Events Banner




研討會, 演講, 講座
Turning ideas into reality requires a lot of dedication, perseverance, time and effort. How can university students who are passionate about innovation find time to pursue their mission in making a societal impact through entrepreneurship. In…
研討會, 演講, 講座
Prof. Emr won the 2021 Shaw Prize in Life Science and Medicine for his landmark discovery of the ESCRT (Endosomal Sorting Complex Required for Transport) pathway, which is essential in diverse processes involving membrane biology, including cell…
Shaw Auditorium, a multi-purpose landmark on our Clear Water Bay campus with sustainability design features at its core, will be the new home to stimulating arts and culture events for both the university and our neighboring communities as it…
30周年紀念, 社區工作
Let's celebrate the 30th anniversary of the University by turning your ideas into actions for the good of all! HKUST Connect is launching the Changemaker 30 campaign as one of the celebratory events empowering you to take actions and become an all-…
“香港科大-越秀集團”百萬獎金國際創業大賽·2021 年度總决賽 14:30 - 18:00 開場表演 主持人開場 香港科大百萬獎金創業大賽賽事總負責人致開幕辭 領導致辭 2021 賽事情况總介紹 年度 10 强介紹及抽籤决定上場次序 年度 10 强“百萬路演”/1-5 團隊(3 分鐘演講+3 分鐘評委提問&投票) 茶歇 年度 10 强“百萬路演”/6-10 團隊(3 分鐘演講+3 分鐘評委提問&投票) 年度 11-20 强頒獎儀式…
To express the University's appreciation and recognition to long-serving employees, the Long Service Award Presentation Ceremony will be held in the Shaw Auditorium in the afternoon of 14 December 2021. …
Bring Your Kids to Work Day is a great opportunity to let your child explore the working world, while showcasing the work life and work ethic to the next generation. We will provide fun and enriching kids activities for your little ones to enjoy…
30周年紀念, 比賽
We are pleased to announce the HKUST-Sino One Million Dollar Entrepreneurship Competition 2022 (“Competition”) will be open for application on 14 March 2022.   The Competition aims to provide a platform for HKUST and surrounding community members…
30周年紀念, 研討會, 演講, 講座
30周年紀念, 社交聚會, 工作坊
30周年紀念, 展覽, 展覽會
由科技大學學生倡議的 [重『塑』藝術]  旨在把環保概念與藝術創作結合- 將廢棄的塑膠升級再造、成為校園內的藝術品。負責倡導是次重『塑』藝術計畫的同學們收集了校園和社區內的廢棄膠樽蓋,並在實驗室裡製作出不同顏色的馬賽克磚塊,再共同創作和拼貼成校園內的大型壁畫藝術品,藉此將塑膠污染視覺藝術化,與大眾一同透視塑膠垃圾對社區帶來的威脅,以及 透過藝術宣揚「絕膠」訊息, 引起大家的反思。
30周年紀念, 社交聚會, 工作坊
[ Connect with Music by HKUSTers ] For many, music is a close friend - it can alter our mood, gives us strength and reduce pain. During the pandemic, have you used music to overcome stress and anxiety? What songs do you listen to keep you motivated…
30周年紀念, 社交聚會, 工作坊
What do negotiation and cooking have in common? Anyone can try to do it, but it takes skills and experience to become a true master of its art. In our next Facebook Live session, HKUST's Prof. Stephen Nason, a seasoned expert in negotiations and…
30周年紀念, 研討會, 演講, 講座
本虛擬導賞為配合「中國藝術概論」之課程,傅立萃教授、龐琨先生、張錦發先生將會帶領觀衆瀏覽多方秦漢古璽印配以封泥、朱鈐印面附於印側,讓大家感受到璽印精美之處,體會其小中見大之真理。展品中還有近現代篆刻家的印章,觀賞這些作品,可領略何謂「印宗秦漢」此千古不易之理。 語言: 普通話 (Putonghua)     詳情及報名: https://library.ust.hk/exhibitions/modern-seal/?sub-exhibit=tour&lang=…
展覽, 展覽會, 30周年紀念
科大以科學、工程及工商管理學科見稱,不過這只是科大眾多面貌的其中一元。經過時月的沉澱、發酵,我們的莘莘學子陸續展現出藝術天份和文化造詣。這次展覽正好讓四位擁有藝術家身份的校友,包括梁媛媛、冼家寶、何博欣及彭國偉,一展所長,展現其滿腔熱誠、追逐夢想、突破界限所帶來的成果。    「成就未來 齊放異彩」─ 四位藝術家以行動証明團結就是力量。  
30周年紀念, 研討會, 演講, 講座
30周年紀念, 展覽, 展覽會, 研討會, 演講, 講座

Co-organized by: HKUST Lee Shau Kee Library  I  Development and Alumni Office 

Photography is not merely about recording of images. It is like a key to open the door to the particular moments we experienced and the awesome people we met in our life. In this talk, our computer science alumnus Terence Pang will share with audience his tips about recording our life with a phone or camera, and how to develop “an eye for photography”. 

Previously a professional in the IT industry, Terence took the bold decision to be a photographer and videographer, earning plaudits for his insights and receiving several international awards. In this exhibition “I shoot, therefore I am”, he stages a retrospective of the images he has shot, bringing back treasured recollections in a unique “Instagram format”. 

This sharing is an affiliated event of the exhibition “The Power of Diversity – Artistic Visionaries from HKUST”, one of the highlights of HKUST’s 30thAnniversary, held at the HKUST Lee Shau Kee Library from mid April to August 24, 2022. 

Date: April 28, 2022 (Thursday) 

Time: 12:30 – 2:00pm HKT

Mr Albert Au
Albert is a BEng Computer Science and MBA alumnus of HKUST. An expert in e-Health and HealthTech, he is presently Founder of acesobee and PharmCare.

Language: Cantonese 

Format: via zoom (Video will be recorded during the talk).
The zoom meeting ID and passcode will be sent to the reigstered alumni, students, staff and faculty at 5pm on the day before the sharing.
Registration: https://lbcube.ust.hk/ce/index.php/event/8698/

Students may attain 1.5-hour credit for the HLTH1010 Healthy Lifestyle Course after attending the talk. 


聯合主辦:香港科技大學李兆基圖書館 I 大學發展及校友事務處 

攝影並不是單單把影像記錄下來,它是一條通往回憶的時光隧道,帶我們回到人生旅途上某個特別的當下遇到的人與事。科大電腦科學系校友Terence Pang將會和觀眾分享利用手機或相機記錄生活的心得,以及如何培養出攝影眼。 

Terence畢業後從事資訊科技工作,後來毅然成為專業攝影師及錄像師。他憑着細膩的洞察力,將扣人心弦的故事一一記錄在鏡頭下,並獲得多個國際獎項。是次展覽以《我影 • 故我在》為題,特意以 Instagram 的形式帶大家重新回味每一個珍貴的時刻。 


日期: 2022年4月28日(星期四) 

時間:下午12時30分至2時正 (香港時間) 

區恩庭先生是科大BEng Computer Science 及 MBA 校友,亦是智慧醫療及健康科技的專家,現為艾草蜂及醫藥通的創始人。


形式: zoom (講座將使用視頻和攝影記錄)
           Zoom meeting ID 和 passcode會在講座前 1 天下午 5 時電郵通知已報名的校友、同學和教職員

報名: https://alum.hkust.edu.hk/happenings#box-3056-detail

出席此活動的同學可獲HLTH1010課程中〝Activities 〞單元的〝 Wellness and Personal Enrichment 〞1.5小時學習時數 (HUMA1660 同學除外)。  - I shoot, therefore I am - how to record our life with a phone or camera《我影 ‧ 故我在》─ 如何利用手機或相機記錄生活

30周年紀念, 展覽, 展覽會, 研討會, 演講, 講座
30周年紀念, 比賽, 其他活動形式, 大學盛事及典禮
為慶祝科大成立 30 週年,現邀請眾學生、教職員及校友參加首個由大學舉辦的虛擬跑步活動 -「科大虛擬跑 2022」 活動詳情及報名: https://run.hkust.edu.hk
30周年紀念, 比賽, 工作坊
Boundless Discovery with New Friends Clear Water Bay X Guangzhou January 15-16th and 22nd, 2022   Are you interested in contributing to a more sustainable and smart campus? Would you like to meet new friends and have a fun weekend together?…
社交聚會, 30周年紀念
To celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the HKUST and to maintain an engaged Engineering alumni community, the School of Engineering will be hosting the HKUST 30A Engineering Alumni Summer Mixer together with the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks…
工作坊, 30周年紀念
We are delighted to have invited Ven. Chang Lin and celebrity Ms. Catherine Chau to campus on 17 June (Friday). While sharing with you the paths they have walked through in their lives, they will also show us how to take a break from our busy daily…
比賽, 30周年紀念
In line with the school's 30th-anniversary theme, "Together We Empower", the HKUST-Sino One Million Dollar Entrepreneurship Competition provides the tools, funding, and connections needed for entrepreneurial success.   This year, 175 teams of…
30周年紀念, 會議, 座談會, 論壇
The Melo Summit is a unique platform of engagement for the youth of Hong Kong and beyond. It is the co-creation of 15 leading CEOs in Hong Kong and 20 Melo Fellows - undergraduate students selected from the HKUST. In the past 6 months, these CEOs…
30周年紀念, 大學盛事及典禮
In celebration of the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the HKSAR, HKUST jointly organizes a live program “Conversation with National Team Winter Olympians” together with the Sports Federation and Olympic Committee of Hong Kong and Hong Kong…
展覽, 展覽會, 大學盛事及典禮, 30周年紀念
  展覽日期:2022年7月27日至2022年8月30日 呈獻李秀恒博士《帶路》攝影集、校友兼藝術家何博欣、梁媛媛、彭國偉及冼家寶作品   李秀恒博士《帶路》攝影集 李秀恒博士是一位成功商人,亦是一位知名攝影家。趁著一帶一路的機遇,李博士決意攜帶着數碼相機及鏡頭,走遍中國內地、亞洲及非洲,以鏡頭仔細紀錄一帶一路地區的文化、生活、地貌及市場動態。跟隨着李博士的步伐,透過一個個被定格的精彩瞬間,我們能感受最本土的生活氣息,觸摸保留著原始自然特色的土地,了解歷史悠久城市現代化的一面。…
比賽, 30周年紀念
In collaboration with the Association of Pacific Rim Universities Asia (APRU), we challenges students of the Asia Pacific Rim to showcase their digital art skills to influence the gaming industry. Students are invited to design a cast of characters…
研討會, 演講, 講座, 30周年紀念
In this talk I will share my career journey, from finding my passion for science and developing a career as a scientific researcher - first in industry and later in academia, to building credibility in my chosen field and finding ways to give back…
30周年紀念, 會議, 座談會, 論壇
The APRU Metagame Conference 2022 on August 27, 2022 incorporates the full ecosystem of Esports. This metaverse experience includes high-level policy discussions, expert insights, next-generation learning, student competitions, and gaming.    …
表演, 大學盛事及典禮, 30周年紀念
We are excited to announce that the HKUST Guangzhou (GZ) campus will officially open its door on 1 September, marking an exciting new chapter in the history of the University and also the grand finale of our 30th anniversary festivities.    …
社交聚會, 30周年紀念
籌款, 30周年紀念
Atrium, Frog Path, Turtle Lift, Wisdom Stone... All these landmarks carry many happy memories for HKUST members. What if you can capture these little pieces of HKUST life in a digital memento?  To make HKUST's 30th anniversary celebrations more fun…
大學盛事及典禮, 30周年紀念
因應近期疫情發展及大學設施關閉,多元電影節需延期舉行。最新活動日期將於稍後決定。 香港科技大學語文教育中心將透過舉辦電影節及學生論壇,展示香港作為多元思考社會的一面。 為期兩星期的活動將播放四部電影,我們將於每個放映會後請來特別嘉賓分享他們對相關電影的見解。之後緊接的半日論壇將深入討論電影主題,及多元社會如何孕育創新思維及解決問題的方法。同時我們亦會探討如何能夠鼓勵社會上多元團體互相學習及互謀福祉。 如欲獲取更多活動資料及報名參加有關活動,請瀏覽http://cei.hkust.edu.…