Students HKUST has nurtured over the past 30 years (As of May 2022)
Active global institutional academic and research partnerships (2020-2021)
Global University Employability Ranking 2021 (No.2 in Greater China, No.1 in Hong Kong)
Cumulative active granted patents (As of 2020-2021)
HKUST-incubated start-ups and spin-offs (2020-2021)
World's Top 50 Young Universities Under 50 2021 in QS World University Rankings

SPARK Talk 2021: Balance between Academic and Business

The Shaw Prize Lecture in Life Science and Medicine

Opening Ceremony of the Shaw Auditorium and Special Performance by the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra

Changemaker 30

HKUST-Yuexiu One-Million-Dollar Entrepreneurship Final Competition 2021

Long Service AwardPresentation Ceremony 2020-2021

Work Happiness Series- Bring Your Kids to Work

Cosmopolis Festival

HKUST-Sino One Million Dollar Entrepreneurship Competition 2022

LEAP Talk: Diversity, Equity and Inclusiveness in the Workplace

Leftover Makeover

Connect with Music by HKUSTers - Touch Your Heart

Precious Plastic to Art

Life Hacks By HKUSTers - Can a Negotiator Cook?

虛擬導賞: 見微知著—秦漢璽印暨近現代篆刻展覽 Virtual Guided Tour: From Ancient Qin-Han Seals to Modern Seal Carving Exhibition

The Power of Diversity - Artistic Visionaries from HKUST

Earth Day HourPlastic and the Pandemic: Impact of Covid-19 on Disposable Wastes

I shoot, therefore I am - how to record our life with a phone or camera《我影 ‧ 故我在》─ 如何利用手機或相機記錄生活

How to survive as an artist 藝術家生存之道

HKUST Virtual Run 2022

Sustainable Smart Campus Net-Zero Journey: Innovation Challenge - Boundless Discovery with New Friends | Clear Water Bay X Guangzhou

The Melo Summit 2022

Conversation with the National Winter Olympic Team北京冬奧精神雲分享

HKSAR 25th Anniversary & HKUST 30th Anniversary Celebration Photo and Art Exhibition

HKUST(GZ) Opening - Celebrations in Hong Kong

Fun@HKUST (Sept 17, 2022)

Diversity = Strength: Film Festival & Student Forum

Mr Andrew LIAO Cheung-Sing, GBS, SBS, SC, JP
Council Chairman
Having amassed three decades of experience creating innovative solutions, HKUST is well-placed to transform the world with more research breakthroughs and advances in the years to come.

Professor Wei Shyy
For HKUST, the 30th birthday means that the University is ushering in its version 2.0 which represents a new era of growth where we can continue experimenting, exploring, and innovating to create greater social impact.